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What We Do

We partner with schools and youth focussed organisations to deliver workshops, course and experiences for young people who might not otherwise have access to music education and experiences. 

We provide workshops for all year groups from early years to sixth form. 

We also provide trained music therapy mentors to work with students with SEND and those with behaviour concerns. 

Our workshops are differentiated to enable all students of all abilities to engage fully and enjoy the session. 

We equip students with transferrable skills that benefit them inside and outside the classroom across a range of subjects. 

We also deliver one to one workshops as well as adult courses. 


We can offer an extra service that many other workshops and courses can’t offer. Studio time at one of our 3 high end studios in Brent, London.


We offer time in the studio working with our session musicians and executive producer to bring tracks worked on in the setting to life, this has proven a very popular addition to our services. 

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